乳と蜜の流れる 3//Flowing with Milk and Honey 3
乳と蜜の流れる 2//Flowing with Milk and Honey 2
淵の声 2//Voice in the Abyss 2
砂の声//Voice of sand
蒼い時間//Time in blue
落陽に捧ぐ//Dedicated to the setting sun
乳と蜜の流れる//Flowing with milk and honey
過ぎ越し Passover
乳と蜜の流れる 3 Flowing with Milk and Honey 3
麻布・白亜地に油彩 91×194cm
oil on linen 162×194cm
乳と蜜の流れる 2 Flowing with Milk and Honey 2
oil on linen91×194cm
萌芽 Budbreak
キャンバスに油彩 60×45cm
oil on canvas 60×45cm
淵の声 2 Voice in the Abyss 2
oil on canvas30×20.4cm
砂の声 Voice of sand
Voice of sand
Oil on linen 155×200cm
蒼い時間 Time in blue
麻布・白亜地に油彩 40×51cm
Oil on linen 40×51cm
落陽に捧ぐ Dedicated to the setting sun
麻布・白亜地に油彩 40×51cm
Oil on linen 40×51cm
乳と蜜の流れる Flowing with milk and honey
麻布・白亜地に油彩 133×160cm
Oil on linen 133×160cm
展示風景 Exhibition
人形町VISION'S での展示風景
Exhibition "FACE THE FAR EAST" at Ningyocho VISION'S
乳と蜜の流れる 3//Flowing with Milk and Honey 3
乳と蜜の流れる 2//Flowing with Milk and Honey 2
淵の声 2//Voice in the Abyss 2
砂の声//Voice of sand
蒼い時間//Time in blue
落陽に捧ぐ//Dedicated to the setting sun
乳と蜜の流れる//Flowing with milk and honey