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「小川佳夫展に寄せて」土方明司 / 2019.01

On the Occasion of the Exhibiton of Yoshio Ogawa “by Meiji Hijikata, January 2019









(ひじかためいじ 川崎市岡本太郎美術館館長 武蔵野美術大学客員教授)

On the Occasion of the Exhibiton of Yoshio Ogawa

                                              Meiji Hijikata

     The works of Yoshio Ogawa are often discussed in relation with abstract expressionism and color-field painting. It is true that Ogawa himself, as a student, looked at those styles of painting with great interest and even created an acrylic drip painting for his final project at Tokyo University of the Arts. But this was not simply imitation out of curiosity.  Abstract expressionism, strongly influenced by surrealism, pictorialized the inner reaches of the psyche and spiritual realms that could not have been expressed in earlier painting styles. Ogawa also wanted to deal with the theme of inner psyche in his paintings. So he took a cue from works of abstract expressionism to express on canvas an inner world that cannot be physicalized.

Ogawa has always been a contemplative painter.  While watching the external world, he always turns his eyes to the dense darkness of the psyche.  When facing external beauty, he seems to be more interested in how he reacts to that beauty internally than in directly pictorializing the emotion invoked by it.  This leads to the question of how we look at and interpret the world, and, by extension, to the questions of life and death and of light and darkness. To create a painting is, for Ogawa, an act of exploring the boundless realm of the psyche, and each day it leads to an encounter with another world.  This also resonates with what poet Shigeo Washisu calls “the shadow of perpetual wandering in search for a state of existence that can never be reached.” Dropping a lead line of sensibility into the deep darkness of the psyche and exploring an unknowable realm; perceiving the hidden root of the psyche covered with layers of veils and trying to reveal just a tiny piece of it with a paint brush—these acts can be said to resemble perpetual wandering, reaching for something inaccessible. But only by incessantly approaching this unknowable realm does it become possible to get close to the root, that is, something primordial.

A vivid, sharp line suddenly appears like a revelation on a richly painted surface that resembles a fertile plain, invoking the image of light radiated by spirit—when we see such works that seem to manifest the light of spirit, we can see that Ogawa has strong nonmaterial aspirations. Or to put it another way, his works make us realize that painting is an expression of the psyche.

Ogawa honed his qualities as an artist heavily influenced by his uncle Kunio Ogawa. Incidentally, they are both Christians. Kunio Ogawa is known for his novels which deal with the theme of innermost light and darkness, driven by his strong interest in Christianity and profound insight. In his adolescent years, he went to France in hopes of escaping his inner darkness. There he experienced a world filled with intense light at the Mediterranean Sea. In the midst of piercing and shadowless brightness, he came to understand that the peak of light is darkness. Needless to say, light is a metaphor for God. This experience also echoes the myth of Icarus who found his own darkness at the very pinnacle of light and then fell.

Ogawa also went to Paris in his 30s, as if to retrace the footsteps of his uncle. For twelve long years, he kept himself hidden in solitude, totally immersed in painting. Ogawa, conscious that his uncle passed a “spiritual baton” on to him, needed to bide his time over such a long period to experience the different culture and worldview firsthand so he could take it all in, internalize it, and fructify it into his paintings. During this time he developed a multifaceted view, enabling him to comparatively observe Western culture with his own, and he became vividly aware of his own mind and identity. His present style was established in 2003 during his stay in Paris. The matière he created there has not only physical strength reminiscent of the grand structures in Europe but also a luster and delicacy like lacquer ware—a single line drawn on a richly painted surface that combines the flexibility and tension of Japanese calligraphy. Because of these qualities, his works make viewers feel strong materiality but also connote a hint of an extremely dense inner world.

Ogawa once wrote, “The sacred and the profane, as well as darkness and light, contain each other in human life. I want to translate such moments to canvas.” This is the very world that Kunio Ogawa, who saw darkness behind light and light at the bottom of darkness, aspired for.

Director of the Taro Okamoto Museum of Art,Kawasaki

   Visiting Professor at Musashino Art University