海のみちを走るもの//All That pass Through the Paths of the Seas
杯はあふれる//My Cup Overflows
永遠の戸よ、上がれ//Be Lifted Up, You Eternal Doors
青銅の弓//Bow of Brass
灯をともす者//You Give Light in My Lamp
雹、そして火の灰//Hailstones and Coals of Fire
声は荒れ野をゆすぶり//The Voice Shakes the Desert
海のみちを走るもの All That pass Through the Paths of the Seas
麻布に油彩 162×194cm
oil on linen 162×194cm
杯はあふれる My Cup Overflows
麻布に油彩 194×162cm
oil on linen 194×162cm
永遠の戸よ、上がれ Be Lifted Up, You Eternal Doors
麻布に油彩 145.5×112cm
oil on linen 145.5×112cm
青銅の弓 Bow of Brass
麻布に油彩 162×130.3cm
oil on linen 162×130.3cm
灯をともす者 You Give Light in My Lamp
麻布に油彩 116.7×91cm
oil on linen 116.7×91cm
雹、そして火の灰 Hailstones and Coals of Fire
麻布に油彩 97×130.3cm
oil on linen 97×130.3cm
声は荒れ野をゆすぶり The Voice Shakes the Desert
麻布に油彩 112×145.5cm
oil on linen 112×145.5cm
海のみちを走るもの//All That pass Through the Paths of the Seas
杯はあふれる//My Cup Overflows
永遠の戸よ、上がれ//Be Lifted Up, You Eternal Doors
青銅の弓//Bow of Brass
灯をともす者//You Give Light in My Lamp
雹、そして火の灰//Hailstones and Coals of Fire
声は荒れ野をゆすぶり//The Voice Shakes the Desert